I will be hosting a public meeting regarding refuse charges and the collection process in the Station House Hotel, Clifden on Monday the 25th July 2016 at 8:30pm.
A representative from Barna will be in attendance. This is an excellent opportunity for the community to outline their concerns and to get further clarity on this issue.
Other public representatives are welcome to attend this meeting.
Tá cruinniú eagraithe agam maidir leis na táillí bruscair agus an próiseas bailliúcháin in Óstán Teach an Stáisiún ar an gClochán, Dé Luain, 25ú Iúil 2016 ag 8:30i.n.
Beidh ionadaí ó Barna Waste i láthair ag an gcruinniú ar an oíche. Is deis iontach atá anseo don phobal tuilleadh eolais agus ceisteanna a chur maidir leis an gcóras dramhaíola.
Tugtar cuireadh d’ionadaithe poiblí eile a bheith i láthair ar an oíche.